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Meet the Teacher



Lead teacher

AM Pre-K

I am very excited to get to know you better! I was raised in Chandler and graduated from Northern Arizona University with a degree in Elementary Education. My emphasis was Early Childhood which focuses on children from birth through age 8. I taught both kindergarten and second grade before opening my own preschool, first in south Phoenix and now on our little farm in Chandler.

I love teaching and find early childhood to be the most rewarding age group. My favorite things about preschool are messy art projects, STEM challenges, and sensory play! I also have a passion for early literacy! There is just something truly special about the transformation when letters become more than shapes on a page as a young child learns to read.



Lead teacher

AM Preschool &
PM Mixed Ages

Miss Emma has worked as a preschool assistant here for many years, and recently took over as lead teacher for two of our classes. She's organized, fair, and FUN! The kids love her because of her YES attitude, and her ability to redirect misbehaviors in kind ways. Miss Emma keeps our classes running smoothly! She is an incredible early childhood educator and continues to learn and grow as a preschool teacher.

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